SHARE Atlanta Pregnancy and Newborn Loss Grief Support

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"Sharing" Our Stories/Thoughts - Along this Path

The "Story behind SA and SIDS Partnership"
SHARE Atlanta's Note as we embrace and support those families
who have experienced a SIDS' Death...

SHARE Atlanta's mission is one of supporting grieving parents as they work to heal.

Since 19834, SA has reached out to those who have experienced the loss of a baby during pregnancy or shortly after delivery. Our mutual support group has seen many parents through their journey of grief as they sought peace and healing. Most of our parents have gradually chosen the path of having a subsequent child though some have healed with other pathways. Whatever their choice, healing of their soul and hearts is our mission.

Supporting Parents who have Experienced a SIDS' Death

Through the years, we have had parents who have lost a baby through a SIDS experience join us. But, most found the local SIDS community as their support system. Today, thankfully, that community is smaller. Because of our mission, SA's phone line and forum receives requests from parents who have experienced a SIDS' loss. We have friends within that community. We all mutually wanted to provide an outreach to these parents.

SA feels as though we can provide healing options for parents who have experienced a SIDS' loss. Carla and other parents who have been through this experience have joined with us to provide a forum, phone contacts, mailing materials, "Outreach for Healing" program, online grief and medical support.

Providing a Comforting Haven for Grieving and Healing

One of our focuses has been to give bereaved parents a "safe and comforting" haven for grieving. We realize that while the grief process is the same for both types of loss, the actual experiences and memories can be vastly different. Both are unique and tragic. Neither group of parents needs to have to share all of the realities involved in the others' experiences. With this understanding in mind, each will have their own forum and actual "face to face" meetings. SA's grief group meetings and forums will remain as they have been for those who have experienced a pregnancy or newborn death.

SA & SIDS Partnership: Support for Families who have experienced SIDS

2011: This was our hope, but we could never gather enough parents to make this part of what we had hoped for work: SIDS' families will have their SIDS' Grief Support forum with moderators who have experienced a SIDS' loss. If enough members come to the forum and wish a "face to face" meeting, Carla (the lead facilitator) will discuss how this could happen. AS OF 2011, WE NO LONGER OFFER THIS.

2011 - But we feel that some of our programs still offer support... We feel that many of the SA website pages and activities can embrace our SIDS' members. We have made note of those pages below.

Our "Outreach for Healing" programs can be a positive place for all parents to find ways to bring meaning to their loss. For example, the March of Dimes "Marches for Babies" each year. We have been a part of this march (used to be called "WalkAmerica") since 1999. I think we all can agree that we wish to support an organization that has research and programs for healthy babies and happy families. We "Walk to Remember" our special babies. Another outreach is our annual Festival of Trees Memorial Tree. All the ornaments are in memory of our babies and the tree is sold to raise money for the Children's Healthcare System. We also have a program where we provide clothes, toys, and books. We do this in memory of our children for, "Kids," a foster care shelter in Alpharetta.

SA has several memorial services and a Mother's Day celebration. We feel as though these times should be open to all of the parents who wish to join us. At all of these events and at our "Outreach for Healing" events, we are celebrating and honoring the memory of our babies. The details of our experiences are not the focus...our love for our babies is.

SA wishes to embrace those families who have experienced a SIDS' death. We welcome Carla Baird, Stacey Morgan and, hopefully, other parents in our efforts to widen our doors of support. Marcia McGinnis, President of SA 11.2007

SHARE Atlanta's Website and Organization has Grief Information and Activities to Support SIDS' Parents

Grief Process by Marcia McGinnis

"Healing & Making Our Child's Presence Meaningful"

Keepsakes, Books, Jewelry, Portraits...

Outreach for Healing ~ "March of Dimes," "Festival of Trees," "Foster Care Shelter," "4Bs- Blankets, Buntings, Bonnets, & Booties," & Inservices


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